
Founded in 1993 under the leadership of Mrs. Immaculate, Sophia School in Bangalore started as a play school for children aged two to two and a half, emphasizing English language skills, rhymes, alphabets, numbers, and spiritual songs. Over time, the school evolved, adding lower and upper KG classes, followed by the introduction of Primary School, and eventually high school classes. With a current enrollment of over 700 students, Sophia School has consistently showcased academic excellence throughout its journey.
The key events and developments in the history of the school, from its establishment to its growth and achievements.


  • On 21st January, Mrs. Immaculate starts a play school with 2 children.
  • By June 35 students have enrolled in the play school.


  • Kindergarten classes start with 70 students in LKG & UKG.


  • Sophia Educational Trust is established marking the official beginning of Sophia School.


  • On 1st June, Sophia School begins conducting Primary classes from standard I–IV.


  • Inauguration of The Kindergarten Block on NAL Road.
  • The building is blessed by Rev Fr Lawrence in the presence of the school’s founding members Rev Fr Divia Paul, Mrs. Arockiam, and Mr. John Lawrence.


  • School experiences a growth in enrolling 250 students. Increases classes up to class VII.


  • Sophia School receives its’ high school recognition and classes for standard VIII.


  • Preparation for a new building to accommodate the increasing number of students begins.


  • Inauguration of the High School building, behind the old airport.
  •  Most Rev Dr Bernard Moras, the then Archbishop of Bangalore blesses the building.


  • The first batch of class 10 students appear for the SSLC board examination.
  • The inaugural class 10 batch of students achieves outstanding results in their SSLC board examinations.


  • In the month of May, laboratories and smart teaching-learning facilities are set up in classrooms.


  • In March, construction of the Primary School Building begins to provide additional classrooms.


  • Rev. Dr. Divia Paul inaugurates the Primary School building in December.