
School Logo

Our educational philosophy revolves around the profound goals of love and enlightenment. Our distinctive logo embodies the essence of our mission, with each element symbolizing a unique aspect of our commitment.

Situated at the center is a cross, symbolizing our dedication to glorifying God in all that we do. To the left, a deep/light represents the transformative transition from darkness (asat/ignorance) to light (sat/knowledge). Encircling the cross, the exquisite lily flower stands as a testament to the purity of intention that guides our educational pursuits.

On the right, a book signifies the journey toward true love and enlightenment through the acquisition of right knowledge. This emblematic design encapsulates the core values of Sophia School.

Embark on a meaningful educational journey with us, where love and enlightenment are not just ideals but integral aspects of the learning experience. Join our community, where the pursuit of knowledge is illuminated by the light of understanding and guided by the principles of love.

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